The Conference schedule consists of four main sessions, along with three opportunities for breakout sessions. And don’t worry if there’s a breakout session you can’t fit into your lineup – we’ll have all sessions available to stream after the weekend is over!
January 3rd
Check-in opens
Session One
January 4th
Session Two
Breakout One
Evangelism, World Changers, God’s Plan for Your Life, The Bible, Dating, Fighting Sin, Loneliness, Worry & Stress
Lunch (Provided)
Breakout Two
Confronting Christianity, Rest and Boundaries, Alcohol, Sexualized World, Prayer, Worry & Stress, Politics, Social Media
Breakout Three
Sexual Identity, The Bible, Family Brokenness, Suffering, Politics, Fighting Sin, Global Missions, God’s Plan for Your Life
Dinner Break, Global & Church Planting Interest Meetings
Session Three
January 5th
Session Four
Breakout One
11:45 a.m.
🔴 Ballroom A
(400 level)
God's Will: How can I know it?
Graham Spruill
Everyone asks the question, “What am I supposed to do with my life?” Believing in Jesus gives you the answer to that question: follow God’s will. But what does that actually mean? In this breakout, we will survey the Bible’s teaching on God’s will. We will look at both the freedom and boundaries within God’s will so we can walk with confidence wherever He leads us.
🔵 Ballroom B
(400 level)
Bible: How does it form us?
Luke Peterson
Every day at all moments you are becoming someone. You will be passively conformed into becoming a product of anything and everything around you unless you become ruthlessly intentional about what is forming you. We want to inspire you to make the Bible the primary source of formation in your life, not just a book to read and finish.
🟢 Room 312–316
(300 level)
Presence of God: What is it?
Skyler Kilzer
God’s presence with you is more than feelings, goosebumps, impressions, and mountaintops. Instead, it’s God’s great purpose for your everyday life. Join me to learn what the presence of God is, and how we can enjoy it day after day.
🟠 Room 317–320
(300 level)
Worship: Why do we sing?
Jacob Boyd + Dalton Shaffer + Molly Hartmann
Worship isn’t just something we do—it does something to us! In this breakout, we will jump into the “why” behind worship and singing. We’ll look at what worship really is, why singing matters, and how it changes us. Come discover why singing is not just Christian preference but a Christian essential and what God’s Word has to say about it.
⚫ Main Hall
(200 level)
Prayer: How do I talk with God
Mark Arant
If you want to make a Christian feel guilty, just ask them about their prayer life. But the good news is that we are all beginners when it comes to following Jesus, especially in the area of prayer. So, we’re going to attempt a guilt-free, practical approach to talking about prayer. The goal is that we all leave encouraged and helped in our pursuit of Jesus through prayer.
Killing Sin: How does it die?
Chris Hruska
Is it possible for be to expereince freedom from my sin? So often we feel trapped in our sin – but it’s entirely possible for us to expereince freedom from it. John Owen once said “Be killing sin, or it will be killing you.” Join us for this breakout as we talk about what it looks like to “be killing” sin.
Breakout Two
1:30 p.m.
🔴 Ballroom A
(400 level)
Doubt + Faith
Alex Tuckness
Many people, both Christians and non-Christians, struggle with doubt. There are a lot of misconceptions about what doubt is, what causes it, what the implications of it are, and how to respond to it. This breakout session will encourage people to keep asking honest questions while showing how you can faithfully follow Jesus in the midst of your questions.
🔵 Ballroom B
(400 level)
Dating + Hope
Aaron Nelson + Megan Pierce
Dating can be exciting, but it also requires tons of wisdom. Learn how to cultivate healthy dating relationships that honor God while keeping hope at the forefront. Whether you’re in a relationship or preparing for one, this breakout will seek to provide biblical guidance and practical tips on navigating dating in today’s world.
🟢 Room 312–316
(300 level)
Family Brokenness + Forgiveness
Troy Nesbitt
Can God heal my broken family? Can He heal the pain I carry from family hurt? In this session, we’ll dive into God’s deep desire to bring healing, both relational and emotional, into every part of our lives—especially within our families. Discover how the gospel not only restores our relationship with God, but also has the power to renew and rebuild our relationships with others.
🟠 Room 317–320
(300 level)
Social Media + Freedom
Austin Edwards + Alanna Sellinger
Tired of feeling stuck in the endless scroll? This breakout will help you identify what you’re searching for on social media in order to break free from its addictive nature and discover the freedom of showing up and sharing the love of Christ on social media platforms.
⚫ Main Hall
(200 level)
Sexuality + Culture
Mark Vance
What does faithfulness to God’s design look like for a Christian in our confused and polarized modern world? In this session we will first briefly unpack God’s good design for gender and sexuality. With that foundation laid, we will explore how faithful Christianity must honestly confront the false teaching of progressive individualism on the one side and Godless traditional moralism on the other.
Suffering + Grief
Rudy Hartmann
What do you do on the worst day of your life? What do you do when you don’t have a why? Join us for this breakout as we look to understand our suffering and grief in light of the hope of the Gospel.
Breakout Three
2:30 p.m.
🔴 Ballroom A
(400 level)
On Mission to my Friends
Shane Pruitt
God has intentionally given us relationships. How do we influence those relationships for the glory of God? Evangelism isn’t for super-hero Christians, it is for all Christians that have a supernatural God living inside of them. We’re all called to this. Let’s talk about practical ways to live this out.
🔵 Ballroom B
(400 level)
On Mission to my Neighbors
Jordan Adams + Laura Hager
What if we believed that God placed us on our dorm floor, in our apartment complex, or in our neighborhood with purpose? Join this breakout to gain a gospel vision for neighboring and discover practical steps to get you started.
🟢 Room 312–316
(300 level)
On Mission to the Nations
Jesse + Shanee Snodgrass
It’s a new era in Missions, a time when the composition and complexion of the Global Church, and the Global mission force, is shifting rapidly toward people that were previously unreached. At the same time, Gospel need is skyrocketing among the remaining unreached people and cities of the world. What role does an American college student play in all of this? Come and see how the timeless truth’s of God’s mission in Scripture speak to your part in God’s work among the nations.
🟠 Room 317–320
(300 level)
On Mission in my City
Jarryd Cole + Brandon DeLage
What if as followers of Jesus, who want to love and serve our cities, there was a better way to seek justice and mercy? The world will tell you their way. Jesus wants to share with you his. Come learn what it would look like to love the poor, the sick, and the hurting in a way that gives hope and help in Jesus name.
⚫ Main Hall
(200 level)
On Mission in our Cultural Moment
J.T. English
We are living through one of the most important missional times in the history of Western Christianity. But it is urgent that churches and church leaders understand the cultural moment we are living through so that we are prepared and equipped to reach lost people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this session we will explore various cultural trends that will help you develop a holistic philosophy of ministry for your life.
On Mission with a Church Plant
David Livingston + Andrew Hager
What should you do when you graduate? Why is church planting such a big deal? We will pull back the curtain on what it really means to help start a church, why it might be harder than you think, and why there is almost nothing you could give your next years to that could make a bigger impact in the world.
Interest Meetings
3:30 p.m.
🔴 Ballroom A
(400 level)
2025 Church Plants: Denton, Knoxville, Bowling Green
🔵 Ballroom B
(400 level)
2025 Church Plants: Kearney, Tempe
🟢 Room 312–316
(300 level)
2026 Church Plants: Corvallis, Austin, KC, Huntsville
🟠 Room 317–320
(300 level)